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tv   Headline News  RT  April 20, 2013 5:00am-5:29am EDT

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well i welcome you watching our team come to you live from moscow with me andrew farmer now there have been cheers and applause at the end of a fierce shootout that saw a man who kept boston on edge for days caught and taken into custody a nineteen year old suspect in monday's deadly marathon bombings was seriously injured in the standoff with police and is now in a critical condition artes and to see chalky now was at the scene. after what has been a week that seems to have lasted an eternity f.b.i. officials as well as local law enforcement were finally able to arrest and take into custody nineteen year old just outside nine of the second suspect in the boston bombings case of course on monday afternoon two bombs went off seconds apart from each other at the finishing line of the boston marathon and this entire week
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there has been a manhunt after the two brothers that were seen as suspects in this case now this friday night officials were able to find the younger brother who was in hiding in a dry docked boat in the town of watertown just minutes away from boston a local had informed officials that he had seen a man covered in blood and they were able to through a helicopter that had that had heat signature technology to be able to track down the young man even though he was covered up in the boat standoff between him and the police lasted for several hours and eventually they were able to arrest him and take into custody we do know that he is in serious medical condition and has been taken to a hospital in boston now to talk a little bit more about the identities of the two brothers of course we're talking about twenty six year old and a nineteen year old who have lived in the united states since two thousand and three the older brother twenty six year old to milan died last night in
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a shootout with police he had a green card the younger brother was a nationalized citizen they have been living in the united states for the last ten years and their colleagues and friends and former schoolmates acted shocked when they found out that these two brothers were behind the boston tragedy we do know that the f.b.i. in two thousand and eleven upon request of a foreign government had taken the age of twenty six year old brother in for questioning trying to establish whether or not he had any links to extremist groups the united states president of course barack obama has addressed the nation really thinking cooperation and. questioning really the fact that somebody who was brought up in the united states of course the brothers have been here for the last ten years was able to commit such a horrific act and the latest for now is that the younger brother that is now in custody is going to be treated for any kind of injuries that he had there are reports that he had a lot on him and officials have confirmed that he was in fact seriously injured so
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he will be treated now and then the legal part of this case will certainly move forward and. boston massachusetts well eternity dot com are also collecting the latest news accounts and images related to the boston manhunt check out the photo section to get more of an idea of how the events unfolded there and also the reaction when the terror suspects were finally captured. now after the revelation that the alleged bombers from russia's north caucuses moscow has warned dividing terrorism into domestic and foreign is an acceptable form of rudy giuliani has already admitted the u.s. has closed its eyes to terrorism in russia's north caucuses previously the western media labeled chechen militants militants as freedom fighters but. now reports that perception could change. when news broke of an unexpected north caucasus traced to the boston bombings literally every global media outlet was quick to put the word
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into their headlines told by a source that they fled the russian caucus to chechnya he is an ethnic chechen brothers are said to be ethnic chechens lived in kurdistan and dagestan before coming to the u.s. the two suspects were branded as coming from a russian region close to chechnya indeed many may need reminding of the name and location of republic of the good stand where the two supposedly came from but the word certainly rings bells probably because of the media headlines in the one thousand nine hundred and at the beginning of the new millennium that's when russia had a military operation in the north caucasus. russian troops deployed in the republic can finally be drawn the rebels fighting for independence or go have been trying to get reduced it. scalds the churchill fight for independence could no become the ultimate you can't that conflict often went beyond the borders of the chechen republic let's remember apartment buildings bombed in moscow a theater siege in the russian capital and
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a school takeover in russia's north thousands of civilians were killed but the man who had blood on their hands were often described as freedom fighters and rebels by the western media at times that even sounded like a romantic image the reality is that in the north caucasus russia has been fighting the same war which america embarked upon after the twin towers were brought down against global terrorism mosco never made a secret that those fighting on the side of the chechen militants were closely tied to al qaeda and were financed from abroad by terrorist organizations worldwide but it's only after nine eleven the transport bombings in madrid and london that understanding the notion that terrorism has no nationality has started to appear in the global media from freedom fighters to armed dangerous terrorists most wanted man in america years have passed media labels have changed the question is whether it change in attitude towards a common enemy will follow in due course. and it looks like that change is a step closer as both russia and the u.s. have a plea to antiterrorism ethen despite my recent killing in melee sions she charity
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expert john get to work says that washington should first of all though abandon its policy of sheltering chechen separatists driven by cold war stereotypes since the collapse of the soviet union in december one thousand nine hundred one the united states has continued to deal with russian issues based on its old cold war paradigm and to a large degree of us regionally came out in support of the chechen cause for independence it was then the enemy of my enemy is my friend paradigm and the russians continue to be perceived as it is a hand inherently bad inherently evil if you were going about it in the soviet era and the american perspective was that any group of people trying to rescue their independence from russia therefore must be good and this is all a significant measure of u.s. government will support even to the extent of providing political asylum to one of
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the chechen leaders who was at the time under indictment for terrorism in russia the mother of the two alleged bomb and says her children could have never carried out the attack in boston r.t. traveled to the region to find out more on the brothers' background. the investigation into the background of this have knives brothers has brought us here to this part of the capital of dagestan now this is the house where their parents live however as we try to reach them this morning it turned out that they fled to the neighboring region of chain to their relatives to avoid old the attention meanwhile this morning i managed to speak to the mother of the two brothers and she told me how devastated she is and that she still can't believe that her sons may have been involved in the bombings in our house nobody talked about the terrorism my son permit. or what they were. involved in the leader you know.
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i really do believe that. years ago he was told by a b i like by five he knew that they knew what my son was doing they knew what action what. we were going to how could it happen how could they were conjoined we. never ever heard this is not my two sons are in and those neighbors we spoke to are shocks they sad that it was a very nice and a very quiet family. i know the brothers very well from the childhood we used to live in chechnya together i was the neighbor then we moved here i know they couldn't have carried out the attack and they couldn't have been involved in it they spent most of their lives in the us. they didn't have any links with the hobbyists and other militants. some of them even remember the brothers especially the older one time let alone when he visited. here so basically the whole
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neighborhood is just in shock. well the czech republic is somewhat unwillingly and undeservedly become tangled up in the terror attack shortly after it happened the internet lit up in confusion over exactly where and even what chechnya was the small caucasian state ended up being widely mistaken for the czech republic a member of the european union and a close ally of the united states and this was especially apparent on social media sites as the twitter posts here show in fact it got so bad that the czech government stepped in to stand back the confusion its ambassador to the united states released a letter mourning the boston tragedy and the casualties but making it quite clear that the czech republic is another state entirely to chechnya now national security is something washington has been pouring billions of dollars into since the notorious nine eleven attacks but as artie's marina portnoy reports
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in the wake of the boston bombings the effectiveness of this massive spending is now being questioned. in a post nine eleven america washington has taken wide reaching measures and defense friend spending has hit unprecedented levels because officials say that's what was needed to keep america safe the department of homeland security was created along with many other law enforcement agencies the patriot act was passed sent up a very complex and far reaching surveillance system which includes c.c.t.v. cameras in major cities facial recognition iris scanning cyber surveillance and officials say this was all to keep americans safe as was the passage of the national defense authorization act in addition to all the measures that have been taken domestically over the past twelve years america has waged two wars overseas that across the country more than two trillion dollars but after the events that
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unfolded about boston marathon bombings many critics believe that washington has spent a large amount of money and wasted a lot of resources and at the end of the day it has not kept americans any safer. this illusion that technology is going to save us that filling our skies with drones and covering our buildings with surveillance cameras and treating every airport to airline passenger as of the intentional terrorists just going to save us is to use an incredible delusion i mean the causes that are possible here range incredible inequality in our society the promotion of violence in our society the idea that we're going to continue on the course we're on in these terms and then save ourselves through technology. is an incredibly misguided delusion it's just not going to have earlier this week u.s.
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secretary of state john kerry insisted that that america's investment in foreign policy is national security insurance. and by making the right small investments upfront kerry insisted that costly conflicts can be avoided in the future but as this past week has shown the cost of pressure cookers does not amount to a lot of money and washington's investment was enough to prevent a deadly terrorist attack in boston that clean the lives of three people and hospitalized more than one hundred seventy reporting from new york. r.t. well if you have an opinion on how the boston bombing investigation will unfold do you head to our dot com for take part in our poll let's have a quick look at how you've been voting so far we go forty three percent say the second the second suspect will die in hospital another twenty nine percent believe the mastermind behind this attack will be revealed brothers were guilty and acted
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on their own that's what twenty one percent of you believe and a third suspect will appear it's believed by seven percent of you so that's how the cold is looking at the moment but you can have your say you can change those figures if you like or you have to do is cast your vote at r.t. dot com. and coming up here shortly on our take countries supporting the opposition in syria for talks and hard to get rid of president assad this image mounting pressure from rebel groups to be supplied with guns and ammunition. in the winds of change missed the world's most oil rich nation this time around venezuela sways in hugo chavez's successor in the face of stark divisions our report from caracas is just ahead.
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of gulf monarchies fueling flames of the west and activists to hold position gridlocked no organization with the right to be seen to be credible. when their bureaus are busy with a formula for controversy burning rubber on the streets of bahrain trekker flagship weekend on art. science technology innovation hall believes developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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mission. critical three months for drug free. range month free. three stooges free. download free blog videos for your media project a free radio down to our t.v. dot com. welcome back the first elections after nearly a decade of u.s. occupation are underway in iraq just as i was into voting reports of bombings and mortar fire already coming in with at least four people injured tens of thousands of troops have turned baghdad into a virtual fortress with authorities anticipating a major disruption but even so many two thirds of iraq's regions will be voting in the provincial election with the rest of the team torn by violence or beyond the government's control. of now reports from one such area that was also a form
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a bastion of al qaida. this is rather a dangerous area for me that's why i'm dressed like this i'm trying to not attract as much attention foreign journalists have been banned from covering these protests from entering the anbar province altogether and al qaeda elements are still here in fact among the crowd you'll see from black flags later on when we go into to the crowd which have been associated with al qaeda groups the protestors have been demanding more equality they feel like they've been discriminated by the shiite led government of nouri al maliki they want a change in power in politics they want more rights they want more quality they also want a different political system now the amber province course has been the heart of the insurgency and the war now it's the heart of the anti-government protest perhaps a fault line of sorts that threatens to divide iraq let's go and talk to some of the people. who don't believe in this election we don't believe in it
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because it's sick tarion sectarian. the candidates for the government the system is unjust which is why we are promising here we are demanding change to the constitution and this government. these people will not be turning out to vote for saturday's provincial elections that's the first election since americans have left from the country in december of twenty eleven the government has postponed elections and several sunni provinces the anbar province where we're located right now as well as the province the government says this is because of security and indeed attacks have been escalating over the past weeks and months but most of the iraqis that you speak to here say that this is not the case it's politically motivated of course the recent weeks have proven just that a bloody backdrop to the elections numerous attacks all across the country have
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killed scores of civilians there's been political assassinations of camera. that's running for office political gatherings have been targeted on thursday of hardball took place in baghdad in a largely sunni area in a cafe internet shop where a lot of young people tended to go out it's a situation that's reflective of the state of iraq today a country that has been torn apart by war but doesn't seem to be any closer to healing the wounds of the divisions that have been on the east during that occupation. the mall tensions are high in bahrain ahead of sunday's formula one grand prix but not in anticipation of a dramatic race tens of thousands of private phone protesters across the country a furious at the government hosting a major sports event despite the kingdom's poor human rights record demonstrators burned ties to brought main roads and petrol bombs at riot police who responded with tear gas protests is also demanded the f one management should cancel the
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bahrain stage of the grand prix although there is little chance of this happening as the organizers believe the unrest doesn't pose a threat to the event security as human rights activists john because it really explains the opposition is almost powerless to influence the situation in the kingdom. being human rights activists unfortunately we don't have that much power to improve the situation what we can do is just to document the cases deliver to human rights organizations and spread the awareness of being peaceful in the process actually during the urgency security emergency before two years very jean was arresting every person who was trying to talk and expose the region violations by sunni report came up with with this saying that the government should be had delayed torture victims they did not take a step in this so we as bravo to habitation organization tried to rehab
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alleviate the torture victims unfortunately the government is keeping pressure on us not to continue our job. rebel forces in syria say they hope western and arab countries meeting on saturday will grant them the as they need to get rid of president assad u.s. secretary of defense chuck hagel has already announced he'll put american boots on the ground in neighboring jordan as a first step to preventing chemical weapons from getting into the wrong hands so also recently emerged france and the u.k. have presented evidence to the u.n. of the use of nerve gas in syria that's now being looked at by u.s. intelligence agencies but a u.n. investigation into the claim has stalled with damascus and the international body wrangling over which harry's investigators should be able to visit artesian reef and ocean now reports ahead of the friends of syria meet. the meeting in turkey comes when the situation around syria is heating up dramatically and the countries
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will decide to go are losing patience and while their gender is unclear the raw indicators that a military solution could be discussed in istanbul just ahead of the seventeen nation group conference britain and france informed the un that they have credible evidence that syria used chemical weapons at least once while the u.n. investigation over the issue is told to major european powers have stated that soil samples witness interviews and opposition sources prove nerve agents were used in and around the cities of aleppo homs and damascus it hasn't been specified which side did it but president obama had earlier made it clear no matter who's going to utilize chemical weapons once it happens it'll be a red line and while u.s. officials have stressed the deterrent factor of such remarks many have taken it as a clear signal of possible military intervention the mission in turkey also comes just days after america's defense secretary said around two hundred u.s. troops will be a sense of jordan's border with syria to bolster jordan's training and defense
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capabilities as one jordanian minister later commented they have also been confirmed reports that the u.s. agreed to deploy to pay for it missile batteries at the mall. he responds to a dent in authority and syrian opposition requests in another significant twist the judge put a looser front to the most attractive force fighting to topple assad recently confirmed it had links to al qaida something america claimed months before blacklist in the group as a terrorist organization but even after these revelations they had of the syrian national coalition them rela united political and military opposition groups and recognized by the majority of the friends of syria group is referred to as brothers russia has warned the meeting in istanbul could have a negative effect in promoting dialogue between the sides of the conflict and in its hopes common sense will prevail refresh not seen from middle east nicolas maduro now heads the world's most oil rich nation venezuela for an official swearing in ceremony but the victory if hugo chavez his successor can with
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a slim margin so slim in fact that the country's top electoral body has embarked on a partial order of the votes cast. is in caracas. you know that the order of the field position has been asking for it was agreed upon by the electoral council they say that they will conduct an audit on the forty six percent of the votes which have not been ordered to get the officer was asking for a full vote recount what the supreme court had already said that this just wasn't possible aside from the in one thousand nine hundred constitution and also everything the whole system is automated so what we're going to have is an audit now and my daughter was still inaugurated so he is the new president of venezuela the first one after fourteen years of legal charges but let's not forget that he won this on a very small margin while the far works were going on supporting mughal we had we heard some of those up pots and pans banging in the background those are supporters of the beatles and also there was a bit of a confusion that happened during the inaugural speech there was a guy
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a young guy who went on stage and tried to push off stage and tried to speak into the microphone we were watching the transmission it was momentarily caused all you was caught and then everything wishing to normal so that was there was a bit of a drama there in his inaugural speech but the end of the day he's the president of venezuela who are still going to have to wait for the results of the audit and what the next move of the opposition will be the country is really split i mean after the initial announcement of the vote results we saw that it had gone violent emotions were running high and the government said that it had died and hundreds of were arrested and then it took a turn a different turn a different kind of protest every night at eight pm you would see fireworks in the sky and you would hear clanging of pots and pans so versus coffee this and this shows a very divided nation now already people watching the stability the future the future stability of venezuela are sort of doubtful seeing that how how split divided the nation is we saw that us and be had downgraded the country from a stable to a negative outlook this just shows you that investors are probably jittery and also
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you know this country sitting on one of the world's largest oil reserves people we're watching how this will move forward but of course most importantly for people here is becoming united and moving forward because they have a lot. problems that the president has to solve a very it's a rate this my boy his the inaugural speech has acknowledged that crime security is the number one problem that you have food shortages medicine shortages uniting a divided population the military the government it's a long list and so he's starting off with a weak mandate a divided nation and he has a lots of prove again he's the first president out there which obviously has very big shoes to fill coming up next here and say it's breaking the set with abbie not .
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directly cardiologist dr omar our claims that the war in iraq destroyed erects environment even worse than dropping the bomb on hiroshima did dr okun e.c. puts the data that the number of pressed cancer cases has grown in the country from fifteen to thirty times cases of congenital heart disease have become fifteen times more frequent and cases of leukemia have increased thirty fold the doctor puts the blame on the weapons used in the one thousand nine hundred one and two thousand and three invasions of iraq and which nato forces used white phosphorus depleted uranium rounds and other toxic gases and poison of substances human rights watch and the world health organization have measured radiation levels in iraq and consider many places in iraq even some very far from the fighting to be contaminated naturally radiation is not racist and foreign soldiers in iraq are not immune usa today even published research results that found that depleted uranium
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was indeed in the lungs and other organs of navy vets who filed for health compensation claims yeah you know saddam hussein seemed like a pretty bad guy but there are always ways to get around. confines of a dictatorship but there is no way to escape from radiation it is truly the present so for the invasions of iraq and good for the iraqis well it doesn't seem to be doing too good for their physical health but that's just my opinion. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck. i mean. i know that i've seen the seams really messed up. in the old story so personally. it's. worse cheaper to live through the white house soup of a. radio guy in four minutes from
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a kook cause they want what we're about to give you never seen anything like this i'm told. by guys i'm having martin and this is breaking the set and the chaos that's been easy to overlook this week marks two important anniversary events that still live in the minds of millions of americans in april nineteenth one thousand nine hundred three seventy six people died in waco texas when u.s. armed forces seized a compound housing the religious group the branch davidian started off with an intent to carry out a search warrant based on a tip of the group having a stockpile of illegal weapons as plated into a fifty one day standoff eventually federal agents used tanks to bust holes in the compound and pump and tear gas shortly after a mysterious fire ensued on the build.


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